Behind the Belle Epoque
Overview of Lecture Series
This lecture series will investigate the real significance of this Golden Age which was only given its Belle Epoque epithet after the horrors of the trenches of World War 1. It was the time of the colonial scramble for Empire in Africa and of great advances in technology featuring the electric light, the telephone, cinema and the motor car. The armaments competition in Europe required cheap labour and the class divisions in Paris became marked and permanent.
The Belle Epoque we revisit in our minds was so much more than the 1900 World Exhibition or the exquisite clothes of the carefree Parisienne in the canvasses of Tissot and Béraud. It was a mind set whose legacy can still be perceived in the political stalemate of the Macron government as it tries to take on the powerful railway unions and in the relative lack of support for the #MeToo movement in France.
These lectures will aim to uncover what living in the Belle Epoque actually meant to different classes in Paris and to what degree there was a “Belle” Epoque in the rest of France.
Sylvia Sagona
Session Dates
Stream 1 : Tuesdays: 10:15 - 12:00 noon - Feb 11,18, 25, 2020
Stream 2 : Fridays: 10:15 - 12:00 noon - Feb 14, 21, 28, 2020
Note : Doors open at 10:15 and lecture starts at 10:30 sharp.
$145 for 3 lectures in the series (incl GST)
Alloarmo, 5 Grattan Street, Hawthorn. VIC
Reservations are essential as seats are limited. To reserve a seat at this lecture series, click on the online booking link below or alternatively download a booking form and send it to us with your payment.
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